Self-actualization Quotes
(5+ quotes)

Self-actualization quotes refer to people who have realized all their potential. We all have an idea of our potential, yet few feel they are actually living their full potential. Are you? 

Expressing our full potential takes courage. It means going public with our grandest visions and goals and moving steadily toward their accomplishment. What were you born to do? The Buddha says our work is to discover our work and give our life and heart to it. Abraham Maslow determined men and women must have their basic needs met before they can accomplish climb up the hierarchy of needs to the level of self-actualization. Your purpose is the work that feels most meaningful to you. What fills you with passion and enthusiasm? Do that thing. It is your way of sharing your talents with the world. For more insights review the quotes in the Purpose subject category, as well as Dream and Passion. Life is too short not to do what you were born to do. You are not here to fulfill anyone’s dreams but your own. If you are clueless about your purpose, start paying attention to what brings you joy. Your joys can lead you to your purpose, too. For self-help coaching on any of these topics, contact

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Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.
Bo Bennett

Self-actualized people are independent of the good opinion of others.
Wayne Dyer

Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it!
Ram Dass

A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self-actualization.
Abraham Maslow

What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self-actualization.
Abraham Maslow

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